Sustainability has become part of the purpose of Acceso Crediticio and our business strategy.


Our commitment to society is to contribute to the growth and sustainable development of the country, which has been our purpose for more than 10 years, granting vehicle financing for clients located at the bottom of the economic pyramid who do not have access to the traditional financial system. We are committed to our client’s insertion to the banking system and formalization that will reflect in an adequate credit history.
Sustainability in Acceso

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets associated adopted by all the Member States of the United Nations in 2015, present an agenda designed to achieve economic, social, and environmental progress for the year 2030.

At Acceso Crediticio we align our business to the Objectives of Sustainable Development to add efforts on the issues prioritized by the member nations and thus be able to meet the goals established for the sustainability of the planet, contributing to the well-being of current generations and future ones.

Acceso Crediticio´s activities have a particular impact on seven of the goals:

Corporate Sustainability Policy

Corporate Sustainability Policy
The Acceso Crediticio Corporate Sustainability Policy constitutes a firm public commitment of the institution with the reduction of environmental impacts of its activities and with the continuous improvement of sustainability. This commitment is framed in the Strategic Plan through a series of initiatives and specific actions related to the promotion of sustainability and social responsibility.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

At Acceso we operate under the principles of good corporate governance, which includes risk management through the company’s policies, rules and internal bodies, through which the management of each business unit is directed and controlled. Among our good corporate governance practices are through which the management of each business unit is directed and controlled. Among our good corporate governance practices are through which the management of each business unit is directed and controlled. Among our good corporate governance practices are

Likewise, there is fairness in the treatment of all members of the organization: shareholders, officers, employees, collaborators, clients and any member of the company.

Shareholders’ rights and the protection of their interests.
The equitable treatment of shareholders.
The role of stakeholders in corporate governance.
Communication and transparency of information.
The responsibilities of the Board of Directors.
Our Board of Directors
Sergio Valencoso Burillo
Chairman of the Board

Systems engineer and former manager of development and legal advisory services of the Pension Fund Normalization Office (ONP). He has been director and manager of March Consultores and general manager and shareholder of Certicom (acquired by Equifax). He holds a degree in computer science and a postgraduate degree in Computer Auditing from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain.
José Luis Hidalgo Cáceres
Director and General Manager

Economist and former credit policy manager of Banco Wiese Sudameris (now Scotiabank Peru). He serves as director of finance and risk and has been manager of planning and risk at Banco Orion, among other positions held in Colombia and Bolivia. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Ponti¬cia Universidad Católica del Perú and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from ESAN.
Julio Romaní Vadillo

He is responsible for Kandeo Fund in Peru, as well as for the relationship with Peruvian investors and the execution of investments in Peru. He is responsible for the Peruvian companies under management and for the relationship with Acceso partners. Economist from the Ponti¬cia Universidad Católica del Perú and Master in Finance from the Escuela de Empresa of the UPC.
Stephany Gomez Giraldo

She has a degree in Finance and International Relations from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and a Master’s degree in Applied Finance from the University of Wollongong, Australia. She served as Operations Manager and Senior Director of Colombia in Kandeo Private Equity Fund.
Javier A. Rodríguez Ramírez
Director Independiente

Independent He is a partner of Capia and develops the Investment Banking activity in Peru and the Andean region. He was responsible for the Investment Banking business in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia for Banco Itaú BBA. He was CEO of the Wiese Group, director of Merrill Lynch & Co. and associate at UBS Investment Bank in New York. He holds a degree in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Norberto Rossi
Director Independiente

Independent He is a partner of Capia and develops the Investment Banking activity in Peru and the Andean region. He was responsible for the Investment Banking business in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia for Banco Itaú BBA. He was CEO of the Wiese Group, director of Merrill Lynch & Co. and associate at UBS Investment Bank in New York. He holds a degree in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Audit Committee

Comprised of members of the Board of Directors, this advisory body oversees adequate compliance with the Internal Control System, and its main function is to ensure that the company’s accounting processes and financial reports are appropriate. This committee also evaluates the activities carried out by the internal and external auditors, maintaining permanent coordination with them.

Risk Committee

This is a body made up of members of the Board of Directors, organized as an integral committee that makes decisions regarding the significant risks to which the company may be exposed, with the purpose of establishing an integral risk management and fostering an internal environment that facilitates the adequate development of the institution.


This is an advisory body constituted by the Board of Directors whose purpose is to formulate a set of policies, strategies and procedures for the granting of remuneration. It also determines the criteria for evaluating the company’s personnel, the periodicity and forms of payment, among others. This committee analyzes proposals for modification of the Compensation System and evaluates potential conflicts of interest, proposing measures for their solution. It also defines the goals and indicators of said system

PLAFT Committee

Made up of members of the Board of Directors, this body supports the Compliance Officer in the adoption of policies and procedures capable of identifying unusual operations that show signs of suspected money laundering or terrorist financing. It also proposes improvements to the Risk Management System Training Program.

Business and Strategy

This is a body made up of members of the Board of Directors whose purpose is to offer innovative solutions and investment recommendations adjusted to the company’s needs, as well as to propose policies related to the businesses in which the company may enter.

Asset and Liability
Management Committee

This is a body constituted by the Board of Directors whose mission is to ensure compliance with the strategic and executive functions of liquidity risk management and monitoring.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee is a body constituted by the Board of Directors with the purpose of elaborating and developing strategies to contribute to and promote compliance with quality standards, policies that allow the development of sustainable and impactful projects.


1. Financial Statements
Financial Statements 2021
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Financial Statements 2020
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Financial Statements 2019
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Financial Statements 2018
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Financial Statements 2017
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2. Annual reports
A sustainability report is a document addressed to an organization’s stakeholders that contains information of the organization’s economic, environmental, social and governance performance.
Annual reports 2021
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Annual reports 2020
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Annual reports 2019
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Annual reports 2018
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Annual reports 2017
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3. Shareholders presentation
Shareholders presentation
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Environmental and Social Risk Management System (ESMS)

Environmental and Social Risk Management System (ESMS)

Acceso Crediticio has implement an Environmental and Social Risk Management System framed within the a Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) regulation.

The ESMS Regulation is a management tool used to assess, understand, and improve environmental activity. This regulation establishes a series of requirements, including:

With the insertion of an environmental management system, Acceso Crediticio pursues the following objectives:

Reduce the negative environmental impacts of its activities, in addition to the risks of environmental accidents.

Continuously evaluate legal requirements and reduce the possibility of non-compliance.

Save on resource consumption, as well as minimize waste generation and emissions

To ensure that the company does not have a negative impact on its social and environmental surroundings.

The implementation of the environmental management system was carried out during the following periods: 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions (CO2)

Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions (CO2)
Acceso together with its client´s managed to reduce more than 437 thousand tons of CO2, equivalent to the work of 35 thousand trees with a life span of 30 years, contributing significantly on mitigating negative impact to our environment. This was achieved by financing more than 26357 vehicles converted to Natural Gas (NGV), mainly for the taxi segment.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities


We offer vehicle financing options for customers located at the base of the economic pyramid, who do not have access to the traditional financial system, committed to reducing social gaps through banking and formalization, reflecting an adequate credit history.

Enterprising Women

Every day more and more women seek to make their way through the wage gaps and gender discrimination that still exist in the workplace, in Peru and in the world.
Seeking to be independent and owners of their own businesses, hundreds of Peruvian women have found an opportunity for development through the purchase of vehicles. In 2021, more than 50% of the total vehicle loans granted by Acceso were obtained by women.
Our inclusive policy provides all our clients with the security of equal treatment when applying for a vehicle loan. And through our campaigns we provide facilities so that more entrepreneurial women can join the workforce and be part of the 37.3% of Peruvian women who currently work in a productive activity and are managers of their own employment, according to the latest report of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics.
Impact on our Community
Face shields for taxi drivers

As part of our commitment to help our community as a security measure for our taxi customers, 900 facial protectors were delivered in order for them to be able to continue operating given the emergency situation developed due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. The aim was to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the transportation service.

Smart Campaign
Certification on the Principles of CustomerProtection

Acceso obtained the Client Protection Certification in April 2021, which is an institutional recognition for the alignment of management systems, policies and processes with the Client Protection Principles established by the Smart campaign. Attached is digital copy of the official certificate.
Responsible Waste Management

At Acceso we are committed to reducing the impact that we generate as a company. For this reason we promote a culture of segregation and recycling of electrical appliances and electronic devices (EEE) that have reached the end of their useful life, either due to internal procedures or because they have broken down. These are obtained from the equipment renewals collected from our collaborators. This helps promote the correct use of electrical and electronic equipment (cell phones, modems, routers, decoders, headphones, etc.)Because of this, Acceso has received recognition from a telephone company for the implementation of adequate infrastructure in the correct valuation and final disposal of unusable waste, obtaining the Recycle 2020 Distinction.

Impact on our Community
Smart Campaign
Campaign «Crystal Angels»

As part of our commitment to help our society, we donate plastic caps to the Little Crystal Angels Foundation. The Children´s National Institute of Health has created this initiative to generate funds and assist in the treatment of hundreds of children suffering from Epidermolysis Bullosa, a disease that generates an extreme fragility of the skin.

Last News

“Green Protocol Newsletter”

Second edition of the “Green Protocol Bulletin”, a tool to share the achievements and advances that financial institutions have within the framework developed by the Environment Ministry of Perú, as well as the various activities related to their green finance roadmap and sustainable financing in general.

We share the link: